Top 120 Laravel Interview Questions and Answers

8 min readJun 21, 2020


Laravel Interview Questions

Laravel Interview Questions & Answers– Laravel is a powerful and accessible tool report for robust applications. It is an expressive migration system, a perfect inversion of the control container and the integrated unit testing support provides you the required tool for developing any kind of application. This open source and free PHP framework follow the MVC or model-view-controller design pattern.

What are the advantages of using Laravel?

  • Integration with the latest PHP tools developed quick web applications
  • Developing authentication and authorization systems
  • Mail services integration
  • Handling configuration and exception errors
  • Separation of presentation code from business logic port
  • Automation testing work
  • Scheduling management and tasks configuration
  • Fixing technical vulnerabilities
  • Safe time along with clean API
  • Websites are usually secure and scalable

Key points of the Laravel framework

  • Details documentation
  • High security
  • Modular and libraries
  • Unit testing
  • Object-relational mapping
  • Template engine
  • Database migration system
  • MVC architecture support

Laravel Interview Questions & Answers — Laravel was developed by Mr. Orwell and its first beta version was released in the year 2011, June. The second version of Laravel was released in 2011, September. Again, the third version was released in 2012, February, followed by the fourth version in May 2013. In the Laravel interview questions, most of the candidates ask these details. In February 2015, Laravel 5 version was released.

Now, let’s delve deeper into the Laravel interview questions and answers:

What Laravel framework exactly constitutes of?

It is an open source, powerful and free PHP framework which follows the model view-controller- design pattern. This popular framework is developed in accordance to the programming language of PHP, which helps in reducing the development costs as well as improve the overall quality of coding.

Some of the features which make Laravel popular choice among developers are as follows:

  • Database seeding
  • Unit testing
  • Homestead
  • Query builder available
  • Eloquent ORM
  • Restful controllers
  • Automatic pagination

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How can you install Laravel using composer?

Steps included in Laravel installation:

  • If you do not have composer downloaded on your system, then get it downloaded from
  • Open the CMD
  • Goto the htdocs folder
  • C:\xampp\htdocs>composer create-project laravel/laravel projectname


You can use the following installing a specific version composer create-project laravel/laravel project name “5.6”

In case, mention any kind of specific version, automatically install the latest option.

What is the term middleware meant in laravel?

The middleware in Laravel serves as the middleman between response and request. Middleware can be considered as a kind of http requests filtering mechanism.For instance, if an authenticated user is trying to get access to the dashboard, the middleware will simply redirect to the exact login page.

// Syntax

php artisan make:middleware MiddelwareName

// Example

php artisan make:middleware UserMiddelware

Now UserMiddelware.php file will create in app/Http/Middleware

What do you mean by database migration in laravel and how is it used?

This is a kind of version to control database, and allows us to share and modify the database application schema easily.

Generally, the migration file includes two methods — down() and up()

Down() is preferred to reverse any kind of operations that are performed using up method. Up() is usually used when it comes to adding new indexes, database columns and tables.

You can generate a migration & its file with the help of make:migration .

Syntax : php artisan make:migration blog

A current_date_blog.php file will be create in database/migrations

How do service providers work in laravel?

The entire Laravel application has a central place which is known as a service provider. A provider can be defined as a powerful tool for performing dependency injection and managing class dependencies. Service provider commands level to bind multiple components into a single Laravel service container. You can prefer to use annotation command in order to generate a service provider like PHP artisans make: provider ClientsServiceProvider

The below-listed functions are included in the file:

  • Boot function
  • Register function

How to come across the data available between two dates with the help of Query in Laravel?

The whereBetween() method can be used in order to derive data between two specific dates using Query

For instance,

Blog::whereBetween(‘created_at’, [$date1, $date2])->get();

Q7. How is it possible to turn off the CRSF protection for a specific route?

That specific Route or URL can be added in the $except variable. It is generally present in the file naming app\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken.php.

For instance,

class VerifyCsrfToken extends BaseVerifier {

protected $except = [

‘Pass here your URL’,



How to develop and use the function Stored Procedures in Laravel?

What is the term Facade means in Laravel? How can we use it?

Facade can be defined as a kind of class that offers a static interface to all the services and it enables a service to access from the container directly. Also, stated as Illuminate\Support\Facadesnamespace. It ensures ease of use.

For instance,

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;

Route::get(‘/cache’, function () {

return Cache::get(‘PutkeyNameHere’);


What are the enhancements features of the latest Laravel 5.8?

Laravel 5.8 is known for being the current and latest version and it was released this year on 26th February. Security fixes will be released on 26th February, 2020 and bug fixes on 26th August 2019.

What features of Laravel 5.8?

  • Improve email validation
  • Carbon 2.0 support
  • PHPUnit 8.0 support
  • Pheanstalk 4.0 support
  • Numerous other usability improvements and bug fixes
  • Token hashing token guard
  • Spy Testing Helper and Mock methods
  • Enhanced configuration of scheduler time zone
  • PSR-16 cache driver compliance
  • Assigning authentication guards to the broadcast channels
  • Session drivers and DynamoDB cache

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What is the dd() function available in Laravel ?

It can be said as a helper function that is used in order to dump a variable’s contents into the browser as well as stops the further script execution. It stands for Dump and Die.

For instance,


how can you open a file in Laravel?

How is it possible to obtain the user’s detail when logged in via Auth?

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

$userinfo = Auth::user();

print_r($userinfo );

Is caching supported by Laravel? If yes, how?

Well, Laravel supports caching like Redis and Memcached. Laravel is properly configured with the file cache by default. This cache stored cached and serialized objected in files. Basically, Redis and Memcached are used for huge projects.

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Q14. How multiple AND condition are added in the Laravel Query?

We can add separate where() for specific AND condition and add multiple AND operators in case of a single where() conditions.

For instance,

DB::table(‘client’)->where(‘status’, ‘=’, 1)->where(‘name’, ‘=’, ‘’)->get();

DB::table(‘client’)->where([‘status’ => 1, ‘name’ => ‘’])->get();

How Join is used in Laravel?


->join(‘contacts’, ‘’, ‘=’, ‘contacts.user_id’)

->join(‘orders’, ‘’, ‘=’, ‘orders.user_id’)

->select(‘’, ‘’, ‘orders.price’)


In Laravel, how can you make use of the current action name?


What is the meaning of fillable attribute in a Model in Laravel?

It can be termed as an array that contains those fields of table created directly to add new record in the Database table.

For instance,

class User extends Model {

protected $fillable = [‘username’, ‘password’, ‘phone’];


What is the Blade Laravel?

Blade is known for being a powerful and simple templating engine that comes with Laravel. “Blade Template Engine” is preferred by Laravel.

What is exactly the Guarded Attribute in Models in Laravel?

In Laravel, the Guarded Attribute in Models is the reverse of the fillable. Guarded Attribute directly mentions the fields that are not mass assignable.

For instance,

class User extends Model {

protected $guarded = [‘user_type’];


What are Queues in Laravel?

Well, it offers API across several queue backends, like Redis, Amazon SQS and rational database. At the same time, it even allows deferring the entire process required for time-consuming tasks like email sending and others. These tasks help to speed up the web requests to the applications.

How a variable value can be assigned for the view files?

Well, for this you just need to get a value and assign the same in the controller file in __construct()

For instance,

public function __construct() {

$this->middleware(function ($request, $next) {

$name = session()->get(‘’); // get value from session

View::share(‘user_name’, $name); // set value for all View

View::share(‘user_email’, session()->get(‘’));

return $next($request);



How the Custom Table Name in Model can be passed?

Undoubtedly, this is known to one of the most commonly asked questions in the Laravel interview questions. We need to pass the protected $table = ‘YOUR TABLE NAME’; in your respective Model.

For instance,

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Login extends Model


protected $table = ‘admin’;

static function logout() {

if(session()->flush() || session()->regenerate()) {

return true;




How can the multiple variables by controller be passed to the blade file?

$valiable1 = ‘Best’;

$valiable2 = ‘Interview’;

$valiable3 = ‘Question’;

return view(‘frontend.index’, compact(‘valiable1′, valiable2′, valiable3’));

In the View File it can be displayed by {{ $valiable1 }} or {{ $valiable2 }} or {{ $valiable3 }}

In Laravel, how can you develop the migration in single artisan and model controller command?

php artisan make:model ModelNameEnter –mcr

How is it possible to obtain the name of the current route file?


How Ajax is used in form submission?

For instance,

<script type=”text/javascript”>

$(document).ready(function() {


// FORMIDORCLASS will your your form CLASS ot ID



headers: {

‘X-CSRF-TOKEN’: $(‘meta[name=”_token”]’).attr(‘content’)

// you have to pass in between tag



var formData = $(“FORMIDORCLASS”).serialize();


type: “POST”,

url: “”,

data : formData,

success: function( response ) {

// Write here your sucees message

}, error: function(response) {

// Write here your error message



return false




In Laravel, how one can redirect from controller to view file mode?

Well, one can use the following:

return redirect(‘/’)->withErrors(‘You can type your message here’);

return redirect(‘/’)->with(‘variableName’, ‘You can type your message here’);

return redirect(‘/’)->route(‘PutRouteNameHere’);

What does the term Package indicate in Laravel? What are some of the common Laravel packages?

Laravel packages can add functionality to the Laravel platform. Separated routes, views, controllers and configurations are available in packages. Some of these are also intended specifically in order to enhance the application.

Several packages are nowadays available and some of the official laravel packages are as follows:

  • Dusk
  • Cashier
  • Socialite
  • Scout
  • Passport
  • Envoy
  • Telescope etc

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What the term validation used for and how it’s used?

When it comes to designing an app, validation is considered as the most essential element. The incoming data is validated. ValidatesRequests trait is preferred by it, thus, providing a very convenient method for authenticating the incoming requests of HTTP using powerful rules of validation.

Validation is a most important thing while designing an application. It validates the incoming data. It uses ValidatesRequests trait which provides a convenient method to authenticate incoming HTTP requests with powerful validation rules.

Here are some Available Validation Rules in Laravel:-

  • Alpha
  • Date Format
  • Image
  • IP Address
  • Numeric
  • URL
  • Unique with database
  • Size
  • Email
  • Min, Max etc

Is it possible to extend layout files in the Laravel view?

With @extends(‘layouts.master’), you can extend the master layout in view file.




Written by HTML KICK

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