PostgreSQL Interview Questions 2021 — HTML Kick

3 min readJun 10, 2021
PostgreSQL Interview Questions

The PostgreSQL database management system is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS). It’s an open-source object-relational database framework with a lot of power. PostgreSQL is not owned by any company or other private party, and the source code is publicly available. Most major operating systems, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows, support PostgreSQL. Text, photographs, sounds, and video are all supported. It also has C/C++, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, and Open Database Connectivity programming interfaces.


PostgreSQL is becoming one of the most used databases on the planet at present. As per open-source databases is concerned, it is currently ranked second. As a result, as PostgreSQL’s recognition increases, so does the market for qualified PostgreSQL professionals. Bringing in huge demand for qualified and skilled professionals in this field.

Get prepared with one of the most frequently/commonly asked PostgreSQL interview questions, the questions are as follows-

What is the maximum size for a table in PostgreSQL?

Ans- While PostgreSQL allows users to build limitless databases, it does have a maximum table size cap; a maximum table size of 32 TB has been set. This question has been regarded as one of the most frequently asked questions in PostgreSQL interviews.

Provide a brief explanation of the functions in PostgreSQL

Ans- Functions are crucial as they aid in the execution of code on a server. PL/pgSQL, PostgreSQL’s native language, as well as other scripting languages such as Perl, Python, PHP, etc are some of the languages used to program functions. The statistical language PL/R can also be used to improve the functions’ performance.

What are the features of PostgreSQL?

Ans- There are several interesting features of PostgreSQL namely- SSL replication based on triggers and logs, database redundancy and highly available, possible to use a client-server network architecture, concurrency control for multiple versions is permitted, compatibility with major platforms, languages, and middleware is convenient, and Users can create a fault-tolerant system by maintaining data integrity.

Which is better MySQL or PostgreSQL?

Ans- MySQL is ideal for studying database management systems. It’s also the first option for web-based projects that only require a database for transfers. However, in terms of functionality and efficiency, PostgreSQL is superior. It’s most commonly used for sophisticated query execution, data warehousing, and data processing.

Which are the methods PostgreSQL provides to create a new database?

Ans- Two methods are provided by PostgreSQL to create a new database which includes- using the SQL command CREATE DATABASE and a command-line executable.

What is Multi-Version Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL?

Ans- Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) is a PostgreSQL specialized approach for enhancing database performance in a multi-user setting. Unlike other databases, PostgreSQL utilizes a multi-version system in which locks obtained for data reading do not interfere with locks obtained for writing data. As a result, the mechanism has become more compartmentalized.

Can you explain pgadmin?

Ans- Pgadmin is a graphical front-end management tool that is also known as a feature. This function is available as part of free software distributed under the Creative Commons Artistic License. pgadmin iii is the latest database management platform published under a creative commons license.

What is table partitioning in PostgreSQL?

Ans- Table partitioning in PostgreSQL is the process of dividing a wide table into minute sections. Table inheritance in PostgreSQL allows for a list and range partitioning. Each partition must be created as a child table by the user.

What are indexes in PostgreSQL?

Ans- The index is a popular way to improve database efficiency in PostgreSQL. As opposed to when there is no index, it helps the database server to locate and retrieve individual rows faster. It also increases the overall overhead of the database system, so users must exercise caution when implementing them. The database search engine uses indexes, which are special lookup tables, to accelerate data retrieval. Simply put, an index is a reference to a particular piece of data in a table.





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