A try, catch statement signifies a block of statements that tries & specifies some response if an exception is thrown. A try block can be declared with a catch or lastly & nested with a try-block in JavaScript minus JavaScript Engine complaints. Try, Catch is mainly utilized statement in numerous programming languages. Mainly, it’s used in handling error-prone code parts. Try catch statement firstly tests code for every possible error which may consist, and if it may occur it implements activities in tackling the errors. The best programming method is to have the hard code in the try, catch blocks.
Try Block
try{} statement is utilized in writing error-code like not dividable by zero, array-index out of bound-exception, etc. The code requires likely error-testing that is kept in a try block. If an error happens, it goes to catch {} statement for taking best actions & handles the error. Else, it will execute the code that’s written in.
Catch Block
It is utilized for writing or catching error output. This block deals with error code through executing some statements set that are written in the block. The block consists of either an in-built handler or a user-defined exemption handler. The statement executes just when an error predisposed to code requires to be held in a try block. Else, catch block will be skipped.
Remember catch {} block executes just after an execution of try {} block. Moreover, a single try block consists of one or extra catch blocks.
Finally Block
This block is utilized for writing important code including kill connection, close connection, etc. This will execute even if we have an error in a try block.
How does Try & Catch Block operates in JavaScript?
Try block operates with either a final block or a catch block. If one does not have all then the JavaScript engine throws an error that tries minus a finally or catch block.
The catch statement operates always with a try block. One can have numerous catch-blocks with one try block.
Throw Statement
It’s utilized for throwing client-defined errors. A client can define & throw their custom errors. If throw statement will be executed, then a statement existing after it won’t be executed. The control is passed directly to catch block.
The syntax is
Try, catch and throw syntax
Here, the exemption can be a number, string, boolean value, or object.
Example of throw with try and catch
With the assistance of a throw statement, the client creates their errors.
Originally published at https://www.htmlkick.com.