HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is arguably the more widely-used & known programming language that’s utilized for web app development. HTML was made by Berners-Lee and was 1st published back in 1995. Moreover, HTML has evolved over the years and has received numerous releases. HTML is a normal text-formatting language utilized for developing web pages that are released back in 1993. Additionally, HTML is a language that’s interpreted by the browser & it communicates to the browser how and what to display.
Being an important language, therefore, HTML is among the best for one to have. Moreover, those that have the skills in HTML, can apply for their dream jobs. For you to be sure with the job, you need to have proper preparations. The article below will offer you some of the questions that you are likely to be asked when in an HTML interview Questions.
Advance HTML5 and HTML Interview Questions
What’s HTML?
HTML is a short form for HyperText-Markup-Language & it’s the language of the internet. It’s the standard text-formatting language that’s utilized for creating & displaying pages on the Internet. Furthermore, HTML documents are made up of elements & the tags which format it to properly show on pages.
What’s Tag?
An HTML tag is made up of 3 things. This includes an opening tag, content & and ending tag. Other tags are unclosed tags.
An HTML document needs to consist of 2 major things: This includes
When a web browser reads an HTML document, the browser reads it from the top to the bottom & from the left to the right side. Additionally, HTML tags are utilized to makes HTML documents & render their features. Every HTML tags have various properties.
The Syntax is
<tag> Content </tag>
The content is positioned between tags which allow the display of information on a web page.
What are Attributes & how can one use them?
Every tag has extra attributes which change the manner the tag is displayed or behaves. For instance, a <input> -tag has a kind of attribute, which one can utilize to specify if it is a radio button, text-field, checkbox, or among more choices.
Attributes are stated directly after the name of a tag, inside the 2 angled brackets. The only need to appear in opening tags or at self-closing tags. However, they shouldn’t be in closing tags.
When are comments utilized in HTML?
Comments help one to understand the code. Comments can be added to the code to an HTML document. These aren’t displayed in a browser, but they assist one in leaving notes for the developers and yourself as to which section of HTML it’s for. Any start of comment is signified by <!- & the end is denoted by →. Everything in the center will be fully ignored, even if it has valid HTML.
What’s formatting in relation to HTML?
HTML formatting is a way of format text for a good look & feel. It utilizes various tags which help in making text bold, underlined, and italicized.
What’s the void element in HTML?
HTML elements that doesn’t have closing tags or don’t need to closing are Void-elements. For instance <br />, <hr />, <img /> etc.
What’s the benefit of eliminating white space?
At HTML, a sequence of blank whitespace characters is regarded as a one space-character. The reason being the browser combines multiple spaces to a single-space character & this assists a developer to indent-lines of text minus worrying about numerous spaces & maintaining readability & understandability of HTML-codes
What’s a marquee in relation to HTML?
Marquee is utilized for scrolling text on a web page. This scrolls the picture or text up, left, right, or down automatically. To use a marquee, one needs to utilize the </marquee> tags.
Originally published at on June 23, 2019.